Fleur On The Trail

Fleur On The Trail

Timeline of Cities

The history of this area cannot be told without understanding the timeline of when cities started forming. So here is a little about each city looking at when each city was founded and incorporated. Incorporated means the city “has received…

Yucaipa’s Early Time Line

1771 San Gabriel Mission founded 1774 Cahuillas have 1st European encounter/ California Rancho Period begins 1775 Cahuillas meet Juan Bautista 1784-1846 the “Golden years” of the Rancho Period (62 years) 1790s Spanish began raiding Serrano villages for Converts 1819 San…

The Serrano’s Beginning

There were two brothers Paqooktach and Kokiitach that helped put the world into motion. Paqooktach came first and his brother Kokiitach emerged from his brother’s left shoulder. In the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Eve came from Adam’s rib.…

Serrano Origin Story

Serrano creation story starts with the beginning of time and “the creative force” according to The People of San Manuel by Clifford E. Trafzer a Distinguished Professor of History and Costo Chair in Native American studies at the University of…

Yucaipa Adobe

The Yucaipa adobe has sit closed for years. Currently, the Yucaipa adobe was one of the early houses in Yucaipa. It is actually believed to be the oldest house in San Bernardino county, which dated back to 1842. It was…